Posts Tagged ‘trombone warm up’

Trombone Warm Up: Intermediate Level Excerpts

“The Intermediate Trombonist” by Brad Edwards is an excellent book for structured warm up, and a routine requiring only a short time commitment. As well, the range is built very gradually throughout the sequential studies. In my view this allows a student to build technique building blocks without creating bad habits in trying to play too high before they are ready.

The categories outlined are: Daily 6 Minute Warm Up; Pattern-Building; Lyrical Legato; Varied Articulation; and, Simple Tunes. It is designed as a 26 unit study, which would include each of these categories for each practice session.

Below are samples that you may find valuable to include in your warm up from the Lyrical Legato, Varied Articulation, and Simple Tunes categories from Unit 1.

Please feel free to comment if you have questions, or feedback to share.

I wish you the best in your trombone warm up practice!

Trombone Fundamentals:

Michael Kris, Low Brass Instructor and Professor at UNC continues to be a mentor for me. This playlist features his material, including fundamental information about air, slurring, and articulation. As well, he provides guidance about introductory skills like how to hold the trombone, and to develop initial sound concept.

Please feel free to comment if you have questions, or other feedback. I wish you the best in your low brass journey!