In learning jazz improvisation on the trombone, it is very important to make transcribing part of the curriculum for study.
One way to ease into transcribing is to transcribe excerpts from different players. If this inspires you to listen to more of the artist you started transcribing, well that’s great! At this stage of the game, listening is also critical. Having a teacher to help you “frame” the value, breathe life, and offer direction in your study to integrate listening and transcribing can be very beneficial.
In the brief video below, I play excerpts from the following three solos – J.J. Johnson, Misty; Carl Fontana, I Thought About You (including a supportive technical drill where no tongue is used to articulate the notes, but focus on air and embouchure. Then, the tongue is integrated again.); and, J.J. Johnson, Nutville.
Please let me know if you have any questions, or have any feedback to share. Enjoy!